The Cabinet Resource Group supports responsible use of our wilderness in the best interest of our citizens today and in the future.
We respect the laws of the State of Montana and the United States of America that pertain to environmental issues.
We oversee corporate, government, and private interests’ proposals to guarantee the integrity of our environment.
We believe in responsible use and development of our wilderness.
Click here to join our mission as a CRG member

Current Board
Jim Nash
Kim Matthews
Rob Kjos
Cesar Hernandez
Colleen Hinds
Bill Martin
Kathi Slora
Colleen Hinds - 2022 - Present
Jim Nash - 2017
Cesar Hernandez - 2014
Bill Martin - 2013
Ernie Scherzer - 2012
Howard Bakke - 2009
Cesar Hernandez - 2008
Bill Martin - 2004
Cal Ryder - 2002
Bob Zimmerman - 2001

Headlamp Award Winners
The Headlamp Award belongs to the individual(s) who support our organization with energy effort, enthusiasm and precious time to preserve our wilderness for future generations
Jim Williams (MT Fish & Wildlife)
Mary Costello
Avista Corp.
Dave Hadden (Headwaters MT)
Kari Harker
Mindy & Doug Ferrell
Trish Gannon
Cesar Hernandez
Judy Hutchins
Cal & Irene Ryder
Robyn King
Debbie Lyman
Bill Martin
Diane Mosely
Morlene Plouzek
Jim Posewitz
Joel Sather
Lou Springer
Guest Speakers
CRG wishes to thank the following individuals and organizations that support our mission
Andrew Kraus - Wildlife Photographer
Bryan Baxter - Tracker & Wildlife Biologist
Doug Chadwick - Author, Wildlife Biologist & Photographer
Gloria Flora - Founder, Sustainable Obtainable Solutions
Phil Hough - Inveterate Marathon Hiker
Jim Jensen - Dir., MT Environmental Information Center
Gayle Joslin - Board Member, Orion: The Hunters’ Institute
Katherine Kendall - Biologist, Northern Grizzly Bear Project
Erich Peitsch - Avalanche Expert, Glacier Melting Researcher
Jim Posewitz - Dir. Cinnabar Foundation
Dr. Steve Running - Nobel Lauriat, Global Warming
Greg Tollefson - Freelance Writer
Jon Turk - Author, Explorer
Joel Sather - USFS Cabinet Trails Supervisior
Jeff Smith - Co-Chair, Missoula