The Cabinets are rich in silver and copper, much of it under the wilderness area.
Libby W.R. Grace Vermiculite Mine - The EPA has ended its Superfund project to remove asbestos from Libby, MT. However, the mine site north of Libby still has a tailing impoundment laced with asbestos and an earthen dam that is failing. CRG is involved in developing a long-term solution to this problem.
Troy Mine - The Troy mine ran from 1994 to 2015. Owners have included ASARCO, Revett, and Hecla. Hecla will oversee reclamation in the near future. CRG is in the process of holding Hecla accountable for permitting required for reclamation.
Proposed Rock Creek Mine - Owned by Hecla and located near Noxon, it will also tunnel under the Cabinet Wilderness Area but from the opposite direction. The proposed 350 ft. tall tailing and wastewater system in close proximity to the Clark Fork River are of major concern. CRG has provided multiple comments on the proposed environmental impact statement are awaiting a response.
Proposed Montanore Mine - Owned by Hecla and located near Libby, it will be located under the Cabinet Wilderness Area. Hecla is applying for a Forest Service permit to continue work on an existing exploratory adit, expanded waste rock storage, and tunnels under the national forest.

Recreation & Education
Hiking Trails - The USFS will be substantially reducing funds for trails in the Kootenai National Forest over the next few years. For the last five years CRG has sponsored the Wilderness Ranger Internship Program which sponsors an intern to work with the USFS trail crews. We are looking to expand this program in the future and partner with other private groups to prevent degradation of our extensive hiking trail system.